Indicator – IND

seq. no. 1, Instruction manual Indicator

seq. no. IND-GB-90, Indicator-TMA-1, Level-Temperature regulator with bistabile level contacts, temperature display and output

seq. no. IND-GB-90a, Indicator-TMA-1, Level-Temperature regulator with bistabile level contacts, temperature display and output

seq. no. IND-GB-91, Indicator-TMA-1-R (remote installation), Level-Temperature regulator with bistabile level contacts, temperature display and output

seq. no. IND-GB-92. Indicator-TMA-2, Level-Temperature regulator with bistabile level contacts, temperature display and output

seq. no. IND-GB-92a. Indicator-TMA-2-150 °C max., Level-temperature controller with bistable level contacts ...

seq. no. IND-GB-93, Indicator-TMA-2-R (remote installation), Level-Temperature regulator with bistabile level contacts

seq. no. IND-GB-100, Indicator - NT - 1, Level-Temperature controller with bistabile level contacts ...

seq. no. IND-GB-101, Indicator - NT - 1 - R (remote installation), Level-Temperature controller with bistabile level contacts ...

seq. no. IND-GB-102, Indicator - NT - 2, Level-Temperature controller with bistabile level contacts ...

seq. no. IND-GB-103, Indicator - NT - 2, Level-Temperature controller with bistabile level contacts ...

seq. no. IND-GB-104, Indicator - LT - 1, Level-Temperature controler with PNP level and PNP switching outputs ...

seq. no. IND-GB-105, Indicator - LT - 1 -R (remote installation), Level-Temperature controler with PNP level and PNP switching outputs ...

seq. no. IND-GB-106, Indicator - LT - 2, Level-Temperature controler with PNP level and PNP switching outputs ...

seq. no. IND-GB-106a, Indicator-LT-MA-2, Level-Temperature controler 4-20mA with LED display

seq. no. IND-GB-107, Indicator - LT - 2 -R (remote installation), Level-Temperature controler with PNP level and PNP switching outputs ...

seq. no. IND-GB-107a, Indicator - LT - 2 -R - V (remote installation), Level-Temperature controler with PNP level and PNP switching outputs ...

seq. no. IND-GB-108, Indicator - MA - 1, Level-Temperature regulator

seq. no. IND-GB-108a, Indicator - MA - 1 - R (remote installation), Level-Temperature regulator

seq. no. IND-GB-109, Indicator - MA - 2, Level-Temperature regulator

seq. no. IND-GB-109-1, Indicator - MA - 2 - 150 °C max., Level-Temperature regulator

seq. no. IND-GB-109a, Indicator - MA - 2 - R (remote installation), Level-Temperature regulator

seq. no. IND-GB-109a-1, Indicator - MA - 2 - R - 150 °C max. (remote installation) Level-Temperature regulator

seq. no. IND-GB-109a/2, Indicator - MA - 2 - R - V (remote installation), Level-Temperature regulator

seq. no. IND-GB-109b, Indicator - MA - 3, Level-Temperature regulator designed for container installation

seq. no. IND-GB-109c, Indicator - MA - 3 - R (remote installation), Level-Temperature regulator designed for container installation

seq. no. IND-GB-110, Indicator - L - 1, Level controller with PNP level outputs

seq. no. IND-GB-111, Indicator - L - 1 - R (remote installation), Level controller with PNP level outputs

seq. no. IND-GB-112, Indicator - L - 2, Level controller with PNP level outputs

seq. no. IND-GB-112-1, Indicator - L - 2 - 125 °C max., Level controller with PNP level outputs

seq. no. IND-GB-113, Indicator - L - 2 - R (remote installation), Level controller with PNP level outputs

seq. no. IND-GB-113-1, Indicator - L - 2 - R - 150 °C max. (remote installation) Level controller with PNP level outputs

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